Dr. Linda Marraccini is a family medicine doctor in South Miami, Florida. Dr. Linda Marraccini has been in practice for 33 years and Board Certified since 1982. Dr. Linda Marraccini is.Affiliated with Baptist & South Miami Hospitals.
She received her medical degree from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and has been in practice for 33 years.
Dr. Marraccini accepts many types of health insurance, she also speaks multiple languages, including Spanish.
From the beginning, Doctor Marraccini has been there to help you with minor injuries, sudden aches or pains or minor illnesses. Whether you're a new patient or whether you've been with us for years, our commitment to you remains the same: to provide you with the quality health care you expect.
Dr. Marraccini
8525 SW 92nd Street, Suite B4
Miami, FL. 33156
Phone (305) 666-8858